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Case Study 1:

Successful Business Owner
Secures Dream Home

Seller’s Property:

  • Home Value: $500,000
  • Mortgage Balance: $250,000
  • Current Rate: 3%
  • Monthly Mortgage Payment: $1,265


Buyer’s Profile:

  • Large down payment and great income from a newly started business
  • Unable to qualify for traditional financing due to new business


Transaction Details:

  • Purchase Price: $500,000
  • Down Payment: 20% ($100,000)
  • Seller-Financed Loan: $400,000 at a rate of 5%


How It Worked:

  1. Seller’s Existing Loan: The seller retained their current mortgage at a 3% interest rate, with a monthly payment of $1,265.
  2. New Buyer Loan: A new seller-financed loan was created for the buyer at a 5% interest rate, with a monthly payment of $2,147.
  3. Down Payment: The buyer provided a down payment of $100,000 upfront.
  4. Monthly Payments: The buyer made monthly payments to the loan servicer, who ensured the seller’s existing mortgage was paid. The seller received the difference of $882 per month as additional income.


Benefits for Seller:

  • Sold the home at the full market value of $500,000.
  • Received an immediate down payment of $100,000.
  • Earned additional monthly income of $882 from the buyer’s payments.


Benefits for Buyer:

  • Secured their dream home despite not qualifying for traditional financing.
  • Benefited from a reasonable interest rate of 5%.
  • Made monthly payments directly to the loan servicer, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

Case Study 2:

Distressed Seller Finds Relief
Through EquityEdge

Seller’s Property:

  • Home Value: $1,500,000
  • Mortgage Balance: $1,400,000
  • Current Rate: 3%
  • Monthly Mortgage Payment: $6,008

Seller’s Situation:

  • Distressed and struggling to make mortgage payments
  • Risk of needing to bring cash to closing, short sale, or foreclosure

Buyer’s Profile:

  • Excellent income but only has 15% down payment

Transaction Details:

  • Purchase Price: $1,500,000
  • Down Payment: 15% ($225,000)
  • Seller-Financed Loan: $1,275,000 at 6%

How It Worked:

  1. Seller’s Existing Loan: The seller retained their current mortgage at a 3% interest rate, with a monthly payment of $6,008.
  2. New Buyer Loan: A new seller-financed loan was created for the buyer at a 6% interest rate, with a monthly payment of $7,644.
  3. Down Payment: The buyer provided a down payment of $225,000 upfront.
  4. Monthly Payments: The buyer made monthly payments to the loan servicer, who ensured the seller’s existing mortgage was paid. The seller received the difference of $1,636 per month as additional income.

Benefits for Seller:

  • Avoided foreclosure, short sale, or bringing cash to closing.
  • Sold the home at the full market value of $1,500,000.
  • Received an immediate down payment of $225,000.
  • Earned additional monthly income of $1,636 from the buyer’s payments.

Benefits for Buyer:

  • Acquired a valuable property despite a limited down payment.
  • Benefited from a manageable interest rate of 6%.
  • Made monthly payments directly to the loan servicer, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

I hope these case studies help illustrate the advantages and effectiveness of the EquityEdge program. If you have any specific details you’d like to adjust or additional scenarios to include, please let me know!

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